Thursday, May 13, 2010

We're Married!!! And Pregnant!!

So after having this blog for months, we decided it was about time to start writing. 7 months ago I married the man of my dreams! And life couldn't be better. Time has gone by so fast I can't even believe it! I think Chance is gonna be talking more about the Marriage. I've got a baby to talk about! In January we found out I was pregnant and Chance and I are so excited to start our own little family! This pregnancy has been nothing like I expected. Starting at about 8 weeks the morning sickness began and I thought everything was normal. It It was nothing I couldn't handle until I started my second trimester (which I foolishly believed was the best time of the pregnancy) and that was when I started throwing up 8-10 times a day. Starting at like 8, lasting till 3 everyday. It was like clock work. It got to the point I was visiting my Midwife in AF every other day so they could start an IV in me because I was getting so dehydrated. And then. Finally. They just sent me home with one. So I have a semi-permanent IV right now and I do 2 bags of fluid a day:) With medicine through my IV. I know this baby will be so worth it I can't even wait to see him! or Her! (but we're pretty sure it's a him;) I honestly can't think of anything more to say right now. Because I'm tired. But I'm sure i'll think of something right before falling asleep and post more later:)


  1. Sess and Chance, I'm so stinkin' excited to see you guys and hang out again! I can't believe how challenging your preg has been Sess, but I'm glad Chance is such a sweet and loving guy that takes good care of ya. ;) Also, can I try your drug IV drip? That just sounds cool...

  2. Fred. I've got plenty of drugs left over. Come on over.
